Meaning avoid sins and do not violate the laws of Allah for you are required to respect and honor the sacred months - This prohibition includes both sinful deeds and incorrect beliefs. However, we find numerous innovations widespread among the masses of people with regards to the month of Rajab, some of them are: People fast abundantly in the month of Rajab believing that fasting in this month will be rewarded more, since it is one of the sacred months, although there is no authentic proof to support this practice.

Fasting is prescribed in Rajab as it is in other months; there is no authentic Hadeeth, which states special virtues or extended rewards for fasting in Rajab. Another very common innovation performed in the month of Rajab is Salaat al-Ragaaib, a prayer that is performed on the first night of Rajab. Some liars fabricated this prayer in the fourth century A.H. The Hadeeth brought forth to prove this innovated Salaah is a fabrication according to the consensus of the scholars of Hadeeth.

It is also claimed that the Prophet's Night Journey (Isra wal-Miraaj) took place on the twenty-seventh of Rajab and therefore the story of Meraj is recited, and celebrations are commemorated on the twenty-seventh of Rajab. Some people also single out this night to perform extra acts of worship. All these acts are baseless, because there is no proof that Isra wal-Miraaj took place on the twenty-seventh of Rajab. Even if it were proven, then commemorating such celebration is an innovation since nothing of this kind has been reported from the Prophet ﷺ or the Sahabah.

These are a few common innovations that are performed in the month of Rajab, however, there are a number of others, which include, visiting graves specifically in Rajab, reciting specific Du'aas in Rajab, frequently performing Umrah in Rajab, etc. We ask Allah to protect us from all innovations, and make us amongst those who correctly follow the Sunnah of Allah's Messenger ﷺ, and venerate those things that Allah has made sacred in the way that He has prescribed.
